Parallel Session I: Hard Probes in p+p and p+A Collisions (I)
- David d'Enterria (CERN)
The study of the production of hadrons containing charm and beauty quarks in proton-proton (pp) collisions at the LHC provides a way to test calculations based on perturbative QCD at high collision energy. Heavy-flavour hadron production in p-Pb collisions is sensitive to Cold Nuclear Matter (CNM) effects. In addition to transverse momentum and rapidity differential trends, measurements as a...
The charged hadron spectra in p+Pb and pp collisions at sqrt(s)=5.02TeV are measured with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The measurements are performed with p+Pb data recorded in 2013 with an integrated luminosity of 25nb^-1 and pp data recorded in 2015 with an integrated luminosity of 28pb^-1. The p+Pb results are directly compared to pp spectra, as a ratio scaled by the number of binary...
Predictions made in Albacete et al. [1] prior to the
LHC $p+$Pb run at $\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}} = 5$ TeV are
compared to the mostly final data from that run. Some predictions shown here have been updated by including the same experimental cuts as the data. Others are additions too late for the initial publication.Comparisons to the available charged hadron, quarkonium, jet and gauge boson...
Recent experimental results display strong flow assymetry in pA collisions at LHC energies, similarly to AA collisions. We investigate the origin of this phenomena theoretically, studying the feature of induced gluon bremsstrahlung in pA and AA collisions. In parallel we include the effect into a HIJING model, localizing the phenomena at the microscopical level, and analyse its influence in a...
In the LHC and RHIC experiments, strong collective behaviors are being observed in high multiplicity events
in p-p and p-A collisions suggesting that quark-gluon plasma can be created in such small systems.
In this work, we utilize an improved version of MARTINI to calculate the effect of QGP
on the jet energy loss in p-A collisions with the well-calibrated 3+1D hydrodynamics medium.
The two...