Parallel Session II: Jet Modification in A+A (II)
- Ben-Wei Zhang (Central China Normal University)
The properties of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) produced in high-energy heavy-ion collisions can be studied using high-momentum partons originating from the early stage of the collision. Their interaction with the medium provides information on the QGP properties.
High-momentum partons shower and hadronise into jets and the energy and mass of the jets are correlated to the energy and...
In Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC hot QCD matter, the quark-gluon plasma (QGP), is produced. One way to study this matter is by using QCD jets as probes. The rates of these jets have been found to be reduced over a wide kinematic range due to the loss of some of the jet’s energy outside the jet cone. It is of great interest to have information on how the momentum of these jets is distributed to...
We investigate the jet quenching parameter $\hat{q}$ using quenched SU(3) lattice gauge theory at finite temperature.
A first-principles calculation of the jet quenching parameter is performed by a combination of perturbative and
nonperturbative methods based on Ref.[1]. Focusing on the simplest process of jet broadening at leading order in the medium,
we carry out an operator product...
The description of the in-medium modifications of parton showers is at the forefront of current theoretical and experimental efforts. The theory of jet quenching, a commonly used alias for the modifications of QCD parton branching resulting from the interactions with the QGP, has been significantly developed over the last years. Within a weak coupling approach, several elementary processes...
One of the earliest phases of our universe, the quark-gluon plasma (QGP), can be reproduced in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and the LHC. Rare high energy probes produced in these collisions that traverse the hot and dense QCD medium, provide an excellent tool to probe this state of matter. In particular, the medium modification of jet and heavy flavor production cross sections has received a...