Parallel Session II: Heavy Flavor (II)
- Qun Wang (University of Science and Technology of China)
The study of beauty production in heavy-ion collisions is considered one of the key measurement to address the flavour-dependence of in-medium energy loss in PbPb collisions. In pPb collisions, studies of b-quark production can also provide insights into the relevance of cold nuclear matter effects in the heavy-flavour sector. The CMS experiment has excellent capabilities for measuring b-quark...
Because of their large mass, b quarks are expected to lose less energy
through qluon radiation than lighter quarks. This effect is most
pronounced for p_T << m_q. J/psi production from the B->J/psi decay
is a powerful observable to measure the nuclear modification of B
mesons in this p_T range. PHENIX has measured the yield of these
non-prompt J/psi's in Cu+Au collisions at 200 GeV at...
In arxiv:1305.3823v2, the azimuthal correlations of heavy $q\bar{q}$ pairs in a weakly coupled plasma in Pb+Pb collisions ($\sqrt{s}=2.76\text{TeV}$) were studied, both for a model involving purely collisional energy loss and one additionally incorporating radiative corrections.
These weak coupling based azimuthal correlations provide a secondary indicator...
Boosted top quarks have the potential to open up a new dimension in jet quenching studies. Because a top-quark’s decay time is correlated with its pt, by examining properties of jets from top-quark and W decays, as a function of the top-quark pt, one may obtain unique insight into the time dimension of the production and evolution of the quark-gluon plasma. Significant high-pt statistics are...