Parallel Session IV: Simulation of Hard Processes in A+A
- Yacine Mehtar-Tani (INT, University of Washington)
The modification of hard jets in the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) is studied using the MATTER event generator. Based on the higher twist formalism of energy loss, the MATTER event generator simulates the evolution of highly virtual partons through a medium. These partons sampled from an underlying PYTHIA kernel undergo splitting through a combination of vacuum and medium induced emission. The...
First calculated results with the new HIJING++ will be presented here for hadron production in high-energy heavy ion collisions. The recently developed HIJING++ version based on the latest version of PYTHIA8 and contains all the nuclear effects has been included in the HIJING2.1. We also included an improved version of the shadowing parametrization and jet quenching. Here we summarize the...
We present the first results from extending the Pythia model for Multiparton Interactions to collisions of heavy nuclei. The Pythia MPI model is a very well established description for pp minimum bias events, and using it to extrapolate to heavy ion collisions is therefore desirable.
In order to break HI collisions down to constituent proton collisions, we discuss extensions of the Glauber...
HYDJET++ model combines the description of soft processes with the treatment of hard partons propagating hot and dense nuclear medium. The model is employed for the analysis of PbPb collisions at LHC energies. The cross-talk of elliptic $v_2$ and triangular $v_3$ flow in the model generates both even and odd harmonics of higher order, as well as long-range azimuthal dihadron correlations...