Parallel Session IV: High pT Correlations (II)
- Zuo-tang Liang (SDU)
Electromagnetic probes such as photons do not participate in the strong interaction, and thus provide a clean measurement of the initial state in nuclear collisions. Correlations of photons balancing with jets in PbPb collisions constitute the golden channel to study parton energy loss in strongly interacting matter, since the photon not only determines the initial transverse momentum of the...
Measurements of prompt high-pT photon and associated jet production are a valuable way to explore how fast partons lose energy in the hot, deconfined medium created in relativistic heavy ion collisions. Since the photon pT is approximately balanced by the initial parton pT at leading order, these events can provide insight on how energy loss depends on the parton pT before quenching....
We develop a Linear Boltzmann Transport model for jet propagation in quark-gluon plasma in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. In this model, we take special consideration of recoiled partons from both elastic scattering and induced gluon radiation processes and their further propagation. Along with a recombination model for the hadronization processes, our simulations can provide a fairly...
Two-particle angular correlation measurements are sensitive probes of the interactions of the medium formed in heavy-ion collisions and the particles propagating through it. Such measurements are done by determining the distribution of the relative pseudorapidity ($\Delta\eta$) and azimuthal angle ($\Delta\varphi$) of particles with respect to a higher $p_{\rm T}$ trigger particle ($1 < p_{\rm...
The jet quenching phenomenon has been studied extensively to assess the properties of the Quark Gluon Plasma. Quenching manifestations appear in a variety of experimental observables, showing medium-induced changes to the jets observed in heavy ion collisions with respect to reference measurements in vacuum-like proton-proton collisions. Studying properties of reconstructed jets via...
To fully harness the potencial of jets as probes of the properties of QGP it is essential that the sensitivity of each specific jet observable to both properties of in-medium parton branching and medium properties is clearly understood. In this talk we use the
di-jet asymmetry — the measure of the momentum imbalance in a di-jet system — together with the analogous observable in photon-jet...