Parallel Session VI: Heavy Qaurk and Quarkonia Production
- Dieter Roehrich (University of Bergen (NO))
The LHC heavy-ion physics program aims at investigating the properties of strongly-interacting matter in extreme conditions of temperature and energy density where the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) is formed. Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) are among the important probes for the investigation of the properties of the QGP as they are created on a very short time scale in initial hard scattering...
Beauty production and phenomena in heavy-ion collisions are considered one of the key measurements to address the flavour-dependence of in-medium energy loss in PbPb collisions at the LHC. The CMS experiment has excellent capabilities for measuring b-quark production thanks to the excellent performances of its muon and tracker system. In this talk, CMS will present the first measurement of the...
We study exclusive heavy flavor vector meson production in diffractive deep inelastic scattering and ultra-peripheral heavy-ion collisions within the dipole picture. We obtain the mass spectrum and light-front wavefunctions of heavy quarkonium from the basis light-front quantization approach, using the one-gluon exchange interaction plus a confining potential inspired by light-front...
The PHENIX collaboration has measured the ratio of the Psi(2s) to the
Psi(1s) cross section in p+p and p(3He)+A collisions at forward and
backward rapidity. We find that in p+p collisions, the data are
consistent with expectations from a modified color evaporation model
of quarkonia formation. In p(3He)+A collisions, in the p(3He)-going
direction, within uncertainties there is an equivalent...