AIME Nanotechnology & High-energy physics - From Material to Innovation

Darmstadt, Germany

Darmstadt, Germany


The goal of this event is to present the potential of high-energy physics (HEP) in the wide field of nanotechnology.

Also this event provides matchmaking between industrial and scientific experts in the field of nanostructures and nanoanalytics and has the aim to foster knowledge transfer and collaborations between academia and industry for development of further innovative technologies and applications in the field of nanotechnology with heavy ions.

  • Thursday 20 October
    • 1
      Registration - Meet & Greet - Coffe & Tea
    • Welcome and what to expect from the meeting

      Introduction by GSI, HEPTech & Nanora

    • Introduction Session
      • 2
        Different techniques/routes of HEP in Nanotechnology
      • 3
        State of the art of different production routes / from the ion beam site
      • 4
        State of the art in Nanotech developments from the application point of view
    • 12:40
      Snack & Networking
    • Nanoanalytics
      • 5
        Neutrons: High energy beams for microelectronics characterisation
      • 6
        X-rays: Advanced Techniques for Materials-Structuring and -analysis on Nanoscale
      • 7
        Relevant structuring and analytic techniques for industry
    • Science2Business
      • 8
        Financing opprtunities for collaborations between Industry and Academia

        EEN, Hessen Trade & Invest, Wiesbaden, Germany

    • 15:00
      Coffee & Networking
    • Science2Business
      • 9
        Matchmaking Event

        EEN Hessen, Wiesbaden, Germany

    • 18:00
      Dinner-Buffet & Get-together
  • Friday 21 October
    • Nanostructures- how to produce, how to apply?
      • 10
        Fabrication of nanopores and Nanowires using MeV-GeV ions

        Materials Research, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany

      • 11
        Production and application of ion-track membranes
    • 10:10
      Coffee & Networking
    • Nanostructures- how to produce, how to apply?
      • 12
        Implantation for nanotechnology
      • 13
        Graphene - a general overview
    • 11:50
      Short Break
    • Special Applications of HEP in Nanotechnology
    • 12:40
    • Special Applications of HEP in Nanotechnology
      • 14
        FIB-based Nano-Structuring
      • 15
        DNA Sequencing
    • Closure - HEPTech
    • Optional Guided Tour through GSI and FAIR campus