10–14 Oct 2016
San Francisco Marriott Marquis
America/Los_Angeles timezone

A new VMDIRAC based approach for an Elastic Cloud

11 Oct 2016, 15:30
1h 15m
San Francisco Marriott Marquis

San Francisco Marriott Marquis

Poster Track 6: Infrastructures Posters A / Break


Prof. Marco Maggiora (University of Turin and INFN Turin)


The INFN Section of Turin hosts a middle-size multi-tenant cloud infrastructure optimized for scientific computing.

A new approach exploiting the features of VMDIRAC and aiming to allow for dynamic automatic instantiation and destruction of Virtual Machines from different tenants, in order to maximize the global computing efficiency of the infrastructure, has been designed, implemented and is now being tested.

Making use of the standard EC2 API, the two OpenNebula and OpenStack platforms are addressed by this approach.

Primary Keyword (Mandatory) Cloud technologies
Secondary Keyword (Optional) Computing middleware
Tertiary Keyword (Optional) Distributed workload management


Dr Antonio Amoroso (University of Turin and INFN Turin) Prof. Fabrizio Bianchi (University of Turin and INFN Turin) Mr Flavio Astorino (University of Turin) Dr Jacopo Pellegrino (University of Turin and INFN Turin) Dr Liang Yan (INFN Turin) Dr Marco Destefanis (University of Turin and INFN Turin) Prof. Marco Maggiora (University of Turin and INFN Turin) Dr Stefano Bagnasco (INFN Turin) Dr Tian Yan (IHEP, CAS) Prof. Xianghu Zhao (NanJing University) Prof. Xiaomei Zhang (IHEP, CAS)

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