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WLCG Information System Evolution Task Force

513/R-068 (CERN)



Show room on map
Meeting to discuss the evolution of the WLCG Information System
    • Removing BDII dependencies: Storage, Computing and Monitoring
      • 1
        Experience on removing BDII from dedicated WLCG Storage
        Speaker: Marc Caubet Serrabou (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ES))
      • 2
        EGI input on stopping BDII

        Evaluation of EGI on the possible risks involved in stopping BDII (especially on security monitoring)

        Speakers: Alessandro Paolini (Unknown), Vincenzo Spinoso (EGI)
      • 3
        Experience adding computing static information in GOCDB

        Note: Gareth Roy won't be able to participate in the meeting, the slides are based on his experience and input

        Speaker: Maria Alandes Pradillo (CERN)
      • 4
        Writeable API in GOCDB

        Making it easier for sites to provide more static information in GOCDB

        Speaker: David Meredith (CCLRC NGS)
      • 5
        BDII dependencies for VOfeed generation

        Based on input from Marian Babik

        Speaker: Maria Alandes Pradillo (CERN)
    • Validation of the list of WLCG Resources per VO: GOCDB/OIM
      Convener: Maria Alandes Pradillo (CERN)