30–31 May 2016
Istanbul Bilgi University
Europe/Istanbul timezone

General Overview of CERN and of its KT Group

30 May 2016, 14:15
E3-101 (Istanbul Bilgi University)


Istanbul Bilgi University

Istanbul Bilgi University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Santralİstanbul Campus, Kazım Karabekir Cad. , No: 2/13, 34060, Eyüp, İstanbul, Turkey


Dr Giovanni Anelli (CERN)


Overview talk by CERN KT Group Leader.


After a short introduction to CERN, its mandate and its governance, the speaker will present the activities of CERN’s KT Group and the main channels CERN uses to transfer its Knowledge and Technologies to society. The main processes and initiatives of the KT Group will then be explained, also through examples and success stories.

Presentation materials