19–23 Mar 2017
Other Institutes
Asia/Jerusalem timezone

BD nucleation as a critical transition in dislocation population

23 Mar 2017, 11:30
Other Institutes

Other Institutes

Leonardo Plaza Jerusalem (Hosted by: Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel)
oral Modeling and simulations Modeling and simulations


Yinon Ashkenazy (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (IL))


It has been suggested that BD nucleation is a possible outcome of a stochastic process where
the dislocation population is undergoing a critical transition leading to critical protrusion formation.
In the past few years we have used a combination of post mortem microscopy work as well as acoustic emission studies and field emission studies in order to try and track the dislocation population activity and its correlation with BD nucleation
I will review the findings of this study up to now, describe hurdles and future plans

session Experiments and Diagnostics
Type of contribution Oral


Yinon Ashkenazy (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (IL))


Eli Engelberg (HUJI) Inna Popov (T) Itay Nachshon (Cornell University) ayelet yashar (hebrew univeristy)

Presentation materials