19–23 Mar 2017
Other Institutes
Asia/Jerusalem timezone

Pulsed DC System Facilities

20 Mar 2017, 19:30
Other Institutes

Other Institutes

Leonardo Plaza Jerusalem (Hosted by: Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel)


Iaroslava Profatilova (Nat. Acad. Sci., Inst. Appl. Phys. (UA))


For the development of high gradient accelerating structures of CLIC and other similar machines it is vital to understand the mechanism of vacuum breakdown. Previous investigations into the phenomena were performed through lengthy and costly RF conditioning of accelerating structures and cells. In an attempt to more efficiently investigate the effects of different materials and conditioning algorithms a novel pulsed DC system has been developed at CERN. This system allows for the creation of high fields between two electrodes at a repetition rate far beyond current RF systems, conditioning the surface in weeks rather than months. Complementary to this, a newly installed camera system located breakdowns through triangulation, which along with post processing microscopy, allows great insight into breakdown trends during conditioning.

Type of contribution Poster

Primary authors

Walter Wuensch (CERN) Sergio Calatroni (CERN) Enrique Rodriguez Castro (University of Vigo (ES)) Iaroslava Profatilova (Nat. Acad. Sci., Inst. Appl. Phys. (UA)) Xavier Stragier (Eindhoven Technical University (NL)) Thomas Lucas (University of Melbourne) Noora-Mari Pienimaki (CERN)

Presentation materials