Abstract submission guidelines – ENLIGHT Meeting 2016
The organization committee has decided to offer the opportunity for the presentation of particle therapy related research projects and results in the form of scientific posters. Prizes will be awarded to 3 of these and the winners will be given the opportunity to give an oral presentation during the Friday afternoon session.
If you would like to submit an abstract please follow these guidelines:
Abstract Template
Font: Ariel
Page size and margins
• Paper Size: A4 portrait
• Margins: top: 2 cm / bottom: 1.75 cm / right: 2 cm / left: 2.5 cm
TITLE OF ABSTRACT (CAPITALS, CENTERED, BOLD, 14 pt) Author1, Author2, (centered, after one blank line, presenting author underlined; 12 pt)
1Affiliation, Address (11 pt) 2Affiliation, Address (11 pt) e-mail of corresponding author (11 pt, italic)
Abstract body: 12 pt, single-spaced Structure: Purpose, Material and Methods, Results, Conclusions max. 2000 characters (incl. spaces)
Please send your abstracts to life.sciences@cern.ch no later than Friday 2nd September.
Poster size A1