Dec 1 – 2, 2016
Natural History Museum
Europe/Zurich timezone

The 12th Central European Seminar on Particle Physics and Quantum Field Theory, December 1-2,  2016 at the Natural History Museum Vienna, Austria, will be dedicated to the topic Physics of LHC Run-2.

The meeting is jointly organized by the Theoretical Physics Departments of the University of Vienna and TU Wien, as well as by the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and supported by the Faculty of Physics of the University of Vienna, the FWF doctoral school Particles and Interactions and the EU COST Network Connecting insights in fundamental physics.

The seminar series was created 2004 and is intended to provide stimulating interactions between leading researchers and promising junior physicists. A considerable number of junior scientists participate in these meetings, and we receive special grants for them covering the hotel and part of the local expenses (see below). We particularly invite junior participants, including advanced graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and junior faculty to attend the meeting.

This year’s venue will be the Natural History Museum Vienna, Maria-Theresien Platz, 1010 Vienna, Austria. Participants will have free access to the Museum’s exhibitions. The conference fee is 50 EUR and is to be paid in cash at the registration desk.

Confirmed Invited Speakers

Jean-Paul Blaizot (IPhT Saclay)
Celine Boehm (IPPP Durham)
Altan Cakir (ITU Istanbul)
Thomas Gehrmann (University of Zurich)
Jernej Kamenik (Jozef Stefan Institute)
Paul James Laycock (Liverpool)
Jenny List (DESY Hamburg)
Holger Kluck (TU Vienna)
Kirill Melnikov (KIT Karlsruhe)
Ivan Mikulec (HEPHY Vienna)
Sven-Olaf Moch (University of Hamburg)
Nicola Neri (INFN Milano)
Alex Pomarol (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
Werner Porod (University of Würzburg)
Moritz Preisser (University of Vienna)
Christopher Sachrajda (University of Southampton)
Tamara Vázquez-Schröder (McGill University)
Michael Spannowsky (IPPP Durham)
David Straub (Excellence Cluster Universe Munich)
Michael Weber (Stefan Meyer Institute Vienna)

Public Lecture (Dec 01 18:30 - 20:00; free entry to the lecture)

Cosmic ripples from black holes and the big bang
Marc Kamionkowski (Johns Hopkins University)

Junior Scientists

We invite applications from graduate students and post-doctoral fellows to submit applications for poster presentations. Successful applicants can receive financial support to participate; please indicate so when registering.

We receive special grants from the COST Network Connecting insights in fundamental physics and we particularly encourage applications from the networks’ Inclusiveness Target Countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Serbia and Turkey.

Organizing Committee

Andre Hoang (University of Vienna)
Josef Pradler (Institute of High Energy Physics)
Massimiliano Procura (CERN and University of Vienna)
Anton Rebhan (TU Wien)
Jochen Schieck (Institute of High Energy Physics and TU Wien)


Registration open until Oct 15 closed.


Supported by:

Doktoratskolleg Particles and Interactions

Naturhistorisches Museum Wien

Natural History Museum
Burgring 7 1010 Vienna Austria