The workshop will be held on two full days and will consist of four main sessions.
Session 1: Theorists motivations, ideas and wishes
Presentations will focus on promising experimental setups and signatures in domains of fundamental interest including but not restricted to direct and indirect searches for new particles (axions, dark photons, HNL, etc…), as well as testing symmetries and interactions. These experiments may be based on a wide range of particles and techniques, e.g. fixed target experiments, anti-matter, atom/neutron interferometry, etc...
Session 2: Accelerator and infrastructure opportunities at CERN
Presentations will cover the foreseen developments over the coming years and other potential upgrades of the CERN complex. Anticipated topics include proton yields in the LINAC4 era, beam dump facilities, fixed target options, and non-accelerator options. Novel ideas such as proton drivers, muon rings, EDM rings will be explored. Required R&D in the medium and long term will also be considered.
Session 3: Potential future of existing programmes
The main experimental collaborations other than LHC currently operating at CERN will present their views for their mid-term and long-term future.
Session 4: New experimental ideas
This session will be the focus of the workshop and aims at collecting ideas from the community for new experimental programmes exploiting the unique features of CERN.
Presentations in Sessions 1, 2 and 3 will be by invitation only.
Presentations in Session 4 will follow a call for abstracts open to the whole international community, from individual physicists to already-constituted consortia. Abstracts will be reviewed by the workshop organisers and the presentation programme defined accordingly. Presentations are expected to be short in order to leave room for inspiring discussions.