Slow extraction from the SPS is essential for present and future Fixed Target beams in the North Area, and will be a key feature of the beam for the proposed Beam Dump Facility experiments like SHiP. The 3rd integer resonant extraction mechanism and accelerator components used to remove the beam from the accelerator intrinsically generate a few percent of beamloss, most of which is localised...
In the past CERN has explored in some depth options for upgrades or novel exploitation of the accelerator complex. These options are briefly revisited. Putting aside neutrinos, RIB, and neutrons, their possible application (or not) as a driver for muon physics - complementary to existing worldwide efforts - is considered. Finally an alternative approach is introduced.
The storage ring technique to search for the EMD of the proton and deuteron is introduced. The accelerator physics and technical challenges are outlined. Work is ongoing worldwide to address these challenges and progress is briefly summarised. Physics motivation is discussed in a companion presentation at this workshop - 'EDM measurement in a proton storage ring'.
The Neutrinos from Stored Muons (nuSTORM) facility has been designed to deliver beams of nu_e and nu_mu from the decay of a stored ?? beam. nuSTORM has the potential to:
- Serve the future long- and short-baseline neutrino-oscillation
programmes by providing definitive measurements of ,?nu_e N and nu_mu
?N scattering cross sections with percent-level precision; and - Allow...