3–5 Jun 2009
Freiburg, Germany
Europe/Zurich timezone

Online Radiation Dose Measurement System for ATLAS experiment

5 Jun 2009, 11:30
Freiburg, Germany

Freiburg, Germany


Igor Mandic (Jožef Stefan Institute)


In LHC experiments it will be important to continuously monitor the radiation doses to follow the level of degradation of detectors and electronics and to correctly predict future radiation damage. A system for online radiation monitoring using semiconductor radiation sensors was installed in the ATLAS experiment. Ionizing dose in SiO2 will be measured from increase of threshold voltage in p-MOS FET transistors ( RadFETs). The 1 MeV neutron equivalent fluences will be monitored from increase of forward voltage at given forward current in two types of p-i-n diodes and from measurements of increase of reverse current in 25 µm thick epitaxial pad diode. From measurements of degradation of current gain in dedicated transistors fluence of thermal neutrons will be estimated. In this contribution the system will be described and the results from long irradiation test in IRRAD6 at CERN will be shown.


Igor Mandic (Jožef Stefan Institute)

Presentation materials