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3–5 Jun 2009
Freiburg, Germany
Europe/Zurich timezone

TCT-Measurements of mixed irradiated Magentic Czochralski Diodes in the SLHC-Scenario

3 Jun 2009, 14:50
Freiburg, Germany

Freiburg, Germany


Robert Eber (IEKP, UNI-Karlsruhe (TH))


Magnetic Czochralski Diodes both n-type and p-type of 300um thickness were irradiated with protons and neutrons to fluences corresponding to different Radii in the CMS-Tracker. IV- and CV-Measurements were performed to study the depletion behaviour of diodes with increasing current. Measurements with a TCT-Setup with red and infrared laser light are in progress to extract trapping times and charge collection efficiency.


Robert Eber (IEKP, UNI-Karlsruhe (TH))


A. Dierlamm (IEKP, UNI-Karlsruhe (TH)) Th. Müller (IEKP, UNI-Karlsruhe (TH))

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