Marcela Mikestikova
(Elementary Particle Division-Institute of Physics-Acad. of Scien)
04/06/2009, 08:45
Electrical characteristics of ATLAS07 Series I large detectors in Prague as step before irradiation was done.
Peter Kodys
(Faculty of Mathematics and Physics), Dr
Peter Kodys
(Charles University)
04/06/2009, 09:05
Irradiation program in Prague is preparing on 2 possible way: on
Cyclotron-based fast neutron facility at NPI Rez and in Experimental
reactor at NRI, Rez. Basic conditions of this and plan for irradiation of
ATLAS07 Series I large detectors will be presented .
Affolder Anthony
(University of Liverpool)
04/06/2009, 09:25
The comparison of the charge collection properties of microstrip detectors made with FZ and MCz substrates are compared after irradiation with 26MeV and 24GeV/c protons and reactor neutrons. The lower energy proton irradiations took place at low temperature. The irradiations with the higher energy protons in the PS have been performed at room (>30oC) and cooled (about 0oC) T conditions. Their...
Hartmut Sadrozinski
(SCIPP, UC santa Cruz)
04/06/2009, 09:45
we have irradiated n-type and p-type magnetic Czochralski and Float Zone silicon detector to proton, pion and neutron fluences up to 1.3*1015 neq/cm2. The data are collected right after irradiation and after elevated temperature annealing at 60oC, corresponding to several years of annealing at room temperature. As a function of bias voltage V, the following electrical parameters were measured:...
Vladimir Eremin
(Ioffe Physical Technical Institute)
04/06/2009, 10:55
The recent study of silicon detectors irradiated up to fluences beyond 10^15 neutron/cm^2 demonstrated an increase of the collected charge up to the value that is even higher than the charge initially generated by the detected particles. In the present investigation this effect is analyzed in terms of avalanche process in the abrupt p-n junctions. On the basis of double peak electric field...
Gianluigi Casse
(University of Liverpool)
04/06/2009, 11:15
New measurements to very high voltage are here shown that can give more support to the appearence of charge carrier multiplication effects in irradiated Micron silicon microstrip detectors
Michael Schneider
(University Karlsruhe)
04/06/2009, 11:35
The planned SLHC-Upgrade will result in a 10 times higher luminosity and therefore higher radiation-damage to the silicon-detectors in the tracker-subsystem of CMS. The magnetic field inside the tracker causes a shift of chargecarriers inside the detector-silicon resulting in a displacement of the measured position to the real position of the particles track. The angle the carriers are shifted...
Teppo Maeenpaeae
(Helsinki Institute of Physics HIP)
04/06/2009, 11:55
The Silicon Beam Telescope (SiBT07) is a reference tracker used
to characterize position sensitive detectors. I present
selected testbeam results from irradiated MCz strip detector studies
and discuss analysis methods associated with those results.
Vincenzo Chiochia
(Universitat Zurich)
04/06/2009, 12:15
The CMS Pixel detector, consisting of three barrel layers and two endcap disks at each barrel end, was installed in the CMS experiment in summer 2008. After a preliminary commissioning phase with pulse injections the detector participated in data taking with cosmic ray triggers and 3.8T field. We report on the first running experience with CMS and present preliminary results on detector...