23–26 Jun 2009
IPNL, Building DIRAC, La Doua Campus, Lyon
Europe/Paris timezone

Compton Ring for Nuclear Waste Analysis

26 Jun 2009, 11:00
Amphithéâtre Dirac (IPNL, Building DIRAC, La Doua Campus, Lyon)

Amphithéâtre Dirac

IPNL, Building DIRAC, La Doua Campus, Lyon

Université Claude Bernard, 4 rue Enrico Fermi 69622 Villeurbanne France


Dr Peter Gladkikh (NSC KIPT)


Compton storage rings at maximal energy of electron beam about 350 MeV is promising intensive source of hard photons for analysis of nuclear waste. Two lattices of such rings are discussed. Dynamics of electron bunches circulating in a storage ring and interacting with high-power laser pulses is studied by simulation. Parameters of both electron and photon beams are presented.

Primary author

Dr Peter Gladkikh (NSC KIPT)


Eugene Bulyak (NSC KIPT) Junji Urakawa (KEK) Tsunehiko Omori (KEK)

Presentation materials