First Pre-register by filling the following form or click here for the form in French.
You will receive a confirmation e-mail when your registration will have been validated by the conference organisers.
You can then proceed to the confirmation and payment by filling this form in English or in French )
The Fees including lunch, coffee break, Workshop dinner are:
- 120 € before May 1st, 2009
- 140 € after May 1st, 2009
- 60 € for Accompanying person (Workshop dinner)
You will receive a confirmation e-mail when your registration will have been validated by the conference organisers.
You can then proceed to the confirmation and payment by filling this form in English or in French )
The Fees including lunch, coffee break, Workshop dinner are:
- 120 € before May 1st, 2009
- 140 € after May 1st, 2009
- 60 € for Accompanying person (Workshop dinner)