23–26 Jun 2009
IPNL, Building DIRAC, La Doua Campus, Lyon
Europe/Paris timezone

The 300 Hz generation option of ILC positron source

24 Jun 2009, 17:00
Amphithéâtre Dirac (IPNL, Building DIRAC, La Doua Campus, Lyon)

Amphithéâtre Dirac

IPNL, Building DIRAC, La Doua Campus, Lyon

Université Claude Bernard, 4 rue Enrico Fermi 69622 Villeurbanne France
Talks Talks Targets


Dr Tsunehiko Omori (KEK)


The 300 Hz generation option is a conventional positron source driven by a electron beam. The beam has the characteristic multi-bunch structure. ILC requires tremendous number of positrons in a pulse. This makes positron production in ILC very challenging. However, the repetition of the ILC, 5 Hz, is rather slow. We have 200 m sec interval between two pulses. In the 300 Hz option, we produce positrons in rather long time, 30 m sec, in order to make target issue easy.


Dr Tsunehiko Omori (KEK)

Presentation materials