Masao Kuriki
(Hiroshima University)
24/06/2009, 16:00
An electron driven positron source for ILC is studied. The electron energy is relatively low, 2.2 GeV. In such energy, the production target can be thinner than that for high energy case; The thinner target causes higher positron yield per electron normalized by its energy. On the other hand, higher intensity electron beam is required to recover the real positron yield (un-normalized by its...
Eugene Bulyak
(NSC KIPT, Kharkov Ukraine)
24/06/2009, 16:30
Compton sources provide wider and less intensive beams of polarized gammas as compared with the undulator-based sources. Due to these features, the Compton sources enable to employ the rod targets with are more effective than the flat ones. The rod target with focusing of the positron bunches by the electric current is proposed and studied. Efficiency of conversion and the parameters of the...
Tsunehiko Omori
24/06/2009, 17:00
The 300 Hz generation option is a conventional positron source driven by a electron beam. The beam has the characteristic multi-bunch structure.
ILC requires tremendous number of positrons in a pulse. This makes positron production in ILC very challenging. However, the repetition of the ILC, 5 Hz, is rather slow. We have 200 m sec interval between two pulses. In the 300 Hz option, we...
Junji Urakawa
24/06/2009, 17:20
KEK decided the test of BINP liquid lead target at the end of ATF Linac as ILC positron source R&D international collaboration with BINP. This R&D study is open and your contribution is very welcome. I will present the situation of this R&D and the plan.