17–21 Oct 2016
US/Pacific timezone

Can we trust eduGAIN?

18 Oct 2016, 16:35
Building 50 Auditorium (LBNL)

Building 50 Auditorium


Berkeley, CA 94720
Grid, Cloud & Virtualisation Security & Networking


Hannah Short (CERN)


EduGAIN, the international identity federation, allows users from all over the world to access a globally distributed suite of academic resources. You are most likely already able to use your primary account, from CERN or your home organisation, to tap in to these services! Federated Identity Management, the technology underpinning eduGAIN, brings many benefits for users and organisations alike but… how can we trust these users with our HEP services? This is one of the questions that the AARC project (https://aarc-project.eu), in which CERN is a partner, is seeking to answer. We will discuss the measures being put in place to allow WLCG to reap the rewards of eduGAIN without exposing itself to increased risk.


Presentation materials