17–21 Oct 2016
US/Pacific timezone

The future of AFS family file systems in research computing

20 Oct 2016, 09:55
Building 50 Auditorium (LBNL)

Building 50 Auditorium


Berkeley, CA 94720
Storage & Filesystems Storage and Filesystems


Mr Jeffrey Altman


Since the introduction of Transarc AFS in 1991, the AFS family of file systems have played a role in research computing around the globe.

This talk will discuss the resurgence in development of the AFS family of file systems. A summary of recent development for several family members will be presented including:

  • AuriStor File System suite of clients and servers
  • kAFS, the Linux in-tree client and the associated AF_RXRPC socket interface
  • OpenAFS clients and servers

The talk will describe the potential uses of the /afs file namespace as a persistent storage solution for Containers.

Finally, the talk will discuss the Tennessee Open Research storage Cloud (TORC) proposal that was submitted to the U.S. National Science Foundation for funding as part of the Cyber Infrastructure initiative. If funded, TORC will provide a wide-area, high-performance and interoperable storage infrastructure designed for scalable, multi-level federation under cooperative management. TORC will combine the global, federated /afs file namespace and the multi-level security and privacy provided by the AuriStor File System with the high performance, scalability and reliability of L-Store and the Internet Backplane Protocol.


Presentation materials