Tamas Csorgo
(Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))
This talk will address some of the fundamental questions, related to the applications of the Hanbury-Twiss effect in high energy physics: Is the two-particle HBT correlation function unity plus a positive definitene form – or not? Can it be described by two-particle symmetrization effects – or not? Is the shape of the correlation function a Gaussian – or not? The overview also includes some recent results related to the sensitivity of the HBT measurements to UA(1) symmetry restoration as well as to a signal of QCD phase transition in cross-over or second-order phase transitions.
List of tracks | Femtoscopy in A+A, p+p , p+A and e+-e- collisions at relativistic, intermediate and low energies |
Tamas Csorgo
(Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))