Sep 14 – 19, 2009
Strada Passo dell'Acqua, 34 - 06134 Bosco PERUGIA, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Depleted Argon for Future Direct Dark Matter Searches with Argon

Sep 17, 2009, 11:50 AM
Sala Orsini (Strada Passo dell'Acqua, 34 - 06134 Bosco PERUGIA, Italy)

Sala Orsini

Strada Passo dell'Acqua, 34 - 06134 Bosco PERUGIA, Italy


Cristiano Galbiati


I will discuss progress on procurement of large quantities of depleted argon from underground sources in the US, and the how this could improve future dark matter searches with argon detector. I will also discuss results from R&D efforts on two-phase argon detectors in the US and future plans.

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