Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!


Site Status Reports

1 Dec 2006, 14:00
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400005, India


Short status report from each Asian Tier-2.

  • - Role forseen within the experiment
  • - Grid services offered by the site:
    • – BDII, CE, SRM-enabled SE, …
    • – LFC, VO-boxes (both local (e.g. ALICE) and remote (e.g. ATLAS)
    • – 3D services (SQUID, local MySQL or other DB services)
    • – O/S; middleware; hardware (CPU, disk, tape) status and outlook
    • – Support and operations staff + expertise and outlook
    • – Issues & Concerns
  • - Network situation
  • - Participation in SC4 - Activities; results; issues
  • - Planning for ramping up during 2007

Site list --

Australia - Melbourne (ATLAS)

China - IHEP Beijing (ATLAS, CMS); Wuhan (ALICE)


Japan - Univ.Tokyo (ATLAS) ; Univ. Hiroshima (ALICE)

New Zealand (CMS group)

Pakistan - CMS Federation

Taiwan - ATLAS Federation; CMS Federation

Korea - Sejong (ALICE) ; Kyungpook (CMS)

Presentation materials

Yaodong CHENG (IHEP, Beijing)
01/12/2006, 14:00
Xu Chuncheng (Wuhan)
01/12/2006, 14:15
P. V. Deshpande (TIFR)
01/12/2006, 14:30
Tapas Samanta (VECC, Kolkata)
01/12/2006, 14:45
Adeel ur Rehman (NCP-LCG2)
01/12/2006, 15:00
Eric YEN (ASGC), Ping YEH (ASGC)
01/12/2006, 15:15
Hiroyuki Matsunaga (ICEPP)
01/12/2006, 16:05
Toru Sugitate (Hiroshima)
01/12/2006, 16:20
Go Iwai (KEK)
01/12/2006, 16:35
David Krofcheck (University of Auckland)
01/12/2006, 16:50
Soonwook Hwang (KISTI)
01/12/2006, 17:05
Chang Yeong Choi (Sejong)
01/12/2006, 17:20
Marco La Rosa (University of Melbourne)
01/12/2006, 17:35
Murthy Chandragiri (BARC)
01/12/2006, 17:50
Building timetable...