Workshop goals and summary of experiment computing
Support model for the ASGC Regional Operations
Centre - what are the support services provided by the
ROC, operations monitoring, problem reporting, problem
management, differentiate ROC and experiment
support structures, educational role....
Specific details of how a Tier-2 gets involved, how the
experiments expect their Tier-2s to operate and
interact with the Tier-1, MC data collection, access to
ESD/AOD data, catalogs, need for VO boxes, schedule
of the ramp-up of the different roles and functions, the
experiment support model and communications
channels, site requirements and recommendations
(expected data rates, storage requirements, etc.).
Specific details of how a Tier-2 gets involved, how the
experiments expect their Tier-2s to operate and
interact with the Tier-1, MC data collection, access to
ESD/AOD data, catalogs, need for VO boxes, schedule
of the ramp-up of the different roles and functions, the
experiment support model and communications
channels, site requirements and recommendations
(expected data rates, storage requirements, etc.).
Specific details of how a Tier-2 gets involved, how the
experiments expect their Tier-2s to operate and
interact with the Tier-1, MC data collection, access to
ESD/AOD data, catalogs, need for VO boxes, schedule
of the ramp-up of the different roles and functions, the
experiment support model and communications
channels, site requirements and recommendations
(expected data rates, storage requirements, etc.).
Short self-introduction by participants and a brief
introduction to the Saturday tutorial: a gLite overview.
Short status report from each Asian Tier-2.
Site list --
Australia - Melbourne (ATLAS)
China - IHEP Beijing (ATLAS, CMS); Wuhan (ALICE)
Japan - Univ.Tokyo (ATLAS) ; Univ. Hiroshima (ALICE)
New Zealand (CMS group)
Pakistan - CMS Federation
Taiwan - ATLAS Federation; CMS Federation
Korea - Sejong (ALICE) ; Kyungpook (CMS)
WLM and IS starting from the basics to troubleshooting and
It will present a summary of the FTS admin workshop (October 18 at SARA) in terms of best practices
Conclusions and follow-up
The tutorials will cover:
- ATLAS setup at Tier-2s
- Distributed Data Management: principles, development status and
- Distributed Production System: principles and operations
- Distributed Analysis: principles and operations
The actual contents of the tutorials will be tuned according to the needs of the
attendees. The tutorials will be given by experts in the above topics.
Please send particular requests for tutorial topics to by
The tutorials will cover:
-- CMS data management and MC production tools and services
-- CMS analysis use cases: skimming and analyzing data
-- site configuration and services for CMS: PhEDEx, CRAB,
ProdAgent, Frontier, ...
-- running CMS services
-- some lessons-learned from the CMS Data Challenge CSA06
See also
2006 tutorials
Review of the Saturday tutorial and open discussion about
EGEE/gLite services with respect to non HEP applications.