Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

29 May 2017 to 2 June 2017
Intercontinental Hotel
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

Experimental environment and luminosity measurement (experimental side of MDI)

30 May 2017, 14:30


Board: 2TU11D


Georgios Gerasimos Voutsinas (CERN)


A preliminary study on machine induced backgrounds has been performed for the proposed FCC-ee interaction region (IR) and proto-detector. The effect of synchrotron radiation and of luminosity-induced backgrounds like γγ to hadrons and pair production have been studied. The impact of background particles on the detector occupancy has been studied in full simulation. The challenges on luminosity measurement are being assesed. The focus is on the luminosity monitoring via Bhabha scattering. A first proposed LumiCal design will be presented.

Primary author

Presentation materials