FCC-hh experiments and detectors: Common experiment software
- Philip Patrick Allport (University of Birmingham (UK))
FCC-hh experiments and detectors: Review: Detector requirements & concepts
- Dave Charlton (University of Birmingham (GB))
FCC-hh experiments and detectors: Review: Magnet & tracking
- Norbert Wermes (University of Bonn (DE))
FCC-hh experiments and detectors: Review: Calorimetry & trigger
- Beate Heinemann (DESY and University of Freiburg (Germany))
FCC-hh experiments and detectors: Review: Physics performance
- Anne-Isabelle Etienvre (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))
FCC-hh experiments and detectors: Common detector technology
- Guido Emilio Tonelli (INFN Sezione di Pisa, Universita' e Scuola Normale Superiore, P)
We present a first assessment of track reconstruction for the FCC-hh detector. Starting from common DD4hep detector input the simulation and reconstruction geometry is built. Events generated with PYTHIA are merged to create a pile-up scenario and the output is fed into the full (Geant4) or fast track simulation (FATRAS). The simulated output is digitized using a geometrical digitization...
We present radiation calculations for the updated reference geometry of a general purpose FCC-hh detector. The magnet system of this detector consists of a 4T central solenoid and two 4T forward solenoids. Subdetectors are implemented with proper envelopes that leave installation clearances and space for services.
The design of the FCC-hh Experiment and its magnet system is being conducted and in the meantime, a baseline design has been defined. Part of the study is the feasibility of the integration of the detector in its cavern and to develop the requirements on cavern and shaft dimensions. For system integration, the various subsystems in the detector are not independent and the modularity needs to...
Data acquisition has always been a significant challenge at a hadron collider. The combination of high luminosity and finely segmented detectors yields data rates that far exceed what can be stored permanently. The problem has traditionally been solved using a trigger system, that performs event selection online. In many cases, the trigger system has relied on dedicated detectors, or...
The number of particles in an electromagnetic shower is proportional to the incident particle energy. A Digital Electromagnetic Calorimeter (DECAL) is a highly granular device that counts the number of particles in a shower rather than the total energy deposited. An improved energy resolution is possible compared to an analogue calorimeter as this should be less sensitive to Landau...
We discuss performance requirements for future hadronic calorimeters in the context of reconstruction of multi-TeV objects (jets, particles) at a 100 TeV collider. For this study, we use a Geant4 simulation of the detector response of the SiFCC detector which is designed to study hadronic jets up to 33 TeV in transverse momentum. We show response and energy resolutions for single particles...
Current R&D in Hadron Collider tracking and timing detectors with potential to develop further into the FCC era is reviewed. Silicon strip and pixel detectors have made tracking at LHC rate and radiation conditions at all possible. The increase rate/radiation conditions at the HL-LHC by a factor of 10 compared to today's standard require intense R&D in sensors, readout ASICs, mechanics and...
Future circular and linear colliders as well as the Large Hadron Collider in the High-Luminosity era have been imposing unprecedented challenges on the radiation hardness of particle detectors that will be used for specific purposes e.g. forward calorimeters, beam and luminosity monitors.
We performed research on the radiation-hard active media for such detectors, particularly calorimeters,...