Research data management is a duty a university or research institute can not ignore any longer. But setting up a suitable infrastructure is cumbersome and ill-supported by national or international infrastructures yet, in particular in Germany [1]. At the same time monolithic IT solutions encompassing the whole data lifecycle as well as the entire university or research institute are not an option since there is much too much development and there are far too many changes and disciplines involved, in particular when looking into solutions that really support individual research units.
There are some prominent projects, mainly ZENODO (http://zenodo.org) and EUDAT (http://eudat.eu), funded by the EU that make use of the Invenio framework mainly for publishing research data.
Yet publishing is only one component of research data management. How about keeping data not be published, long-term preservation, or linking publications to its foundational data? Various different approaches and tools support different aspects of research data management and need to be combined into a holistic and adaptable service suite.
This presentation shows how RWTH Aachen University makes use of the Invenio and in particular the JOIN2 infrastructure as a module within this service suite. DOI minting, linkage between data records and towards authority files for people, institutes, and projects, and alternative storage facilities are some of the topics that will be addressed. Overall, we point out current achievements as well as open challenges.
[1] Leistung aus Vielfalt: Empfehlungen zu Strukturen, Prozessen und Finanzierung des Forschungsdatenmanagements in Deutschland, Göttingen : Rat für Informationsinfrastrukturen, URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-201606229098, 2016