As a very flexbile system Invenio is also one of the most complex repository solution available today. This is especially true for the upcoming Invenio 3, which delivers more or less only the building blocks for a repository solution than a ready to run application but that are adoptable to almost any use case. On the other hand we see a huge convergence in repository usage if some concepts are tackled in a more abstract manner, usually on the data side instead of the software side.
The experiences in the join2 project showed us that while starting out as individual solutions with a host of configurability in mind, over time our systems more and more converged on the basis of common concepts that now run successfully at a number of quite different institutions.
While the famous Atlantis Institute of Fictive Science was more or less a showcase of Invenios capabilities join2 now want's to rise the question to the community:
Isn't it time to set up a real world usable version of Atlantis?
A version of Atlantis could be a generally usable repository based on Invenio that can be run everywhere requiring configuration instead of programming.