Extreme light is one of the most exciting domains in the laser field today. It relies on the generation of ultra high peak power obtained by delivering the energy over a short time. Today, laser peak power exceeds typically the PW or thousand times the world grid power. The ability to produce and focus this gargantuan power over a size 10 times smaller than a hair offers unfathomable...
ELI-Beamlines is the high-energy, repetition-rate laser pillar of the ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) project. It will be an international facility for both academic and applied research, slated to provide first user capability since the beginning of 2018. The main objective of the ELI-Beamlines Project is delivery of ultra-short high-energy pulses for the generation and applications of...
High power laser facilities capable of generating petawatt (10$^{15}$ W) level pulses are producing peak intensities that are approaching the threshold to a wide range of applications that include high energy physics; laser astrophysics and cosmology; vacuum physics; as well as medical imaging and treatments. State-of-the-art in high power laser systems consistently produce pulses within large...
The question of whether Hawking evaporation violates unitarity, and therefore results in the loss of information, remains unresolved since Hawking's seminal discovery. So far the investigations remain mostly theoretical since it is almost impossible to settle this paradox through direct astrophysical black hole observations. Here we point out that relativistic plasma mirrors induced by...
Radiation Pressure Acceleration is quite promising for ion acceleration. In order to improve the laser energy transmission efficiency and restrain instabilities such as RTI and hole boring, an ultra-high intensity, ultra high contrast laser pulse with steep front is required and therefore a plasma lens with near critical density is proposed. When the laser passes through the nearly critical...
We discuss proton acceleration with 10PW lasers. In 2001, we proposed proton acceleration with light pressure for the first time [1]. Then in 2007, we explained that light pressure acceleration is actually multistaged acceleration of collisionless electrostatic shock driven by the laser pressure [2, 3]. However, the method of light pressure is hard to support proton acceleration of energy...
Based on the ongoing construction to the two major European facilities, namely the European XFEL electron accelerator and the ESS relativistic proton accelerator, the state of the art in terms of conventional acceleration will be described: technology, performance, and construction cost.
Interaction of high-intensity laser pulses with solid targets results in generation of large quantities of energetic electrons that are the origin of various effects such as intense x-ray emission, ion acceleration, and so on. Some of these electrons are escaping the target, leaving behind a significant positive electric charge. The electrons that are accelerated in the backward and forward...
Recent large investments have been plan to build laser facilities for achieving intensity never reached before. The progress made in recent decade in laser technology allows us to envision laser facilities with repetition rate high enough to ensure the laser parameters stabilities and an increase of the statistic of the different measurement made in plasma physics with Laser.
Since chirped pulse amplification scheme[1] has changed the game in high energy density physics, the available laser intensity has kept increasing, can reach 10^23 W/cm^2 or even higher, and can deliver radiation higher than the previously used in nuclear facilities. In order to make use of this capability in full depth, a laser-centered, distributed pan-European research infrastructure,...
The major laser sources of the Attosecond Light Pulse Source of the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI-ALPS) deliver pulses with unique parameters: unparalleled fluxes, extreme broad bandwidths and sub-cycle control of the generated fields. The high repetition rate (HR) system delivers TW peak power, < 6 fs pulses at 100 kHz. The 1 kHz repetition rate single cycle (SYLOS) system provides 20 TW...
We will introduce the 10PW laser project SULF (Shanghai Superintense Ultrafast Laser Facility), including the design of the laser facility and the potential applications of the laser facility in physics and chemistry researches.
As a first step, we have demonstrated the generation of 5.3PW, 24fs 800nm laser pulses from a CPA laser system where a high gain 150 mm Ti:sapphire amplifier with...
Recently, the race to build a petawatt or even higher-power laser system with the pulse duration of few tens of femtosecond is initiated worldwide. Such ultrahigh-peak-power laser systems are greatly benefit for fundamental research areas, such as accelerating the charged particles (electrons and protons), and generating high-energy photon (X-ray and γ-ray) sources. The Shanghai Super-intense...
The recent experiments with high power Ti: Sapphire laser pulses demonstrate that it is not possible to produce a homogeneous beam pattern. Hot zones are situated across the beam cross section. Each hot zone self-focuses into a filament, if the intensity and power are high enough. Each of the multiple filaments has a core intensity clamped down to that of a single filament of the order of...
Like in astronomy, Adaptive Optics (AO) has recently become a standard feature at the modern ultra-high intensity lasers facilities. AO aims in reaching both maximum peak energy and intensity by correcting both the thermal effects induced in the amplification stages and aberrations induced by the optical components of the laser chain. The new generation of ultra-high intensity femto-second...
Gravity independence on rotations or spin direction is
postulated in general relativity and experimentally
constrained for low energy, non-relativistic matter.
An evidence for high energy CP violation in gravitational
field has recently been found in the HERA Compton polarimeter's
2 spectra measured with electron and positron beams.
Here I report analysis results of 838 thousand...
Laser wakefield theory shows that for a given laser, the energy gain and accelerating length are both inversely proportional to the plasma density [1]. This means that the lower the gas density, the longer the acceleration distance, which is undesirable in reaching ultra-high energies. The recent proposed generation of the X-ray laser pulse provides an attractive way to achieve ultrahigh...
In the recent years, 10 Peta-watt (PW) laser system is a hot topic in the field of laser technology. Many countries and laboratories are building or having a plan to build a 10 PW laser system [1, 2]. The CPA technique particularly using Ti:sapphire (Ti:S) CPA systems is still the main method to achieve PW and 10 PW-levels laser pulses for its high efficiency and stability [3, 4]. However, the...
High-peak-power laser beams with a top-hat transverse intensity profile are shown to offer unique options for the spectral and temporal nonlinear-optical transformations of high-intensity laser fields, promising a new technology of spatially uniform pulse compression at the subpetawatt level of peak powers.
Imagine Optic works since early 2000 on Hartmann sensors and has acquired a unique expertise in X-ray wavefront sensing showing outstanding results. The very first experiment performed on the Advanced Light Source beamline at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA in 2003 reached accuracy better than λEUV/120 rms (0.11 nm) at the wavelength of 13.4 nm [1]. Later we also demonstrated...
Isolated attosecond pulses are essential tools used in the time-resolved studies of some of the fastest electronic processes in atoms, molecules and solids. These pulses are synthesized from high-order harmonics generated in inert gases by intense, femtosecond laser pulses. During this process an attosecond pulse is generated in every half-cycle of the laser pulse, thus forming an attosecond...
A relativistic flying mirror is breaking wake wave excited in tenuous plasma by an intense, short laser pulse. This highly nonlinear wave has a singularity of electron density and has a velocity nearly equals to the speed of light. Thus the electrons can work as a partially reflecting mirror moving nearly at the speed of light. This concept was first proposed by Bulanov et al. So far some of...
In this report would be presented a short overview of the recent research activities in the field of laser physics and applications of the Institute of Electronics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IE-BAS).
The Institute was established in 1963 as a non-profit state organization conducting research, education and dissemination of scientific knowledge in the fields of physical electronics,...
After a short reminder on the evolution of growth theories, the presentation will focus on the role research infrastructures can play in the framework of such theories. Using this framework, the presentation will feature the different channels through which a research infrastructure contribute to economic growth, and the different parameters to take into account for a research infrastructure...
ELAP is the Extreme Light Applications Park of the ELI-NP facility in Magurele (RO).
The Extreme Light physics is a novel approach to laser-matter interaction, made possible by the groundbreaking works of Prof T. Tajima (UCI, CA, USA) and Prof. G. Mourou (IZEST-Ecole Polytechnique, FR). The unique characteristic of the extreme light laser is to produce enormous amounts of energy and...
Socio-Economics for Energy: Extreme Laser Pulses for Boron Fusion Power Reactors
H. Hora*
Department of Theoretical Physics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Application of extreme laser pulses of less than picoseconds duration but with powers between Peta- and Exawatt is an example for direct use against the climatic changes...
Laser-Driven High Energy Alpha Beam Interaction with Solid p11B to Achieve Fusion Ignition by Alpha Heating
S.D. Moustaizis1, P. Lalousis2, H. Hora3, S. Eliezer4 and G. Korn 5
1 Technical University of Crete, Lab of Matter Structure and Laser Physics, Chania, Crete, Greece
2 Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser FORTH, Heraklion, Greece
3 Department of Theoretical Physics,...
We present theoretical and experimental results on enhancement of temporal intensity profile of PW laser pulses. Techniques of peak power increasing based on self-phase modulation, second harmonic generation and cascaded quadratic nonlinearity effects will be discussed. The specific of its implementation for modern powerful laser facilities is investigated and results will be demonstrated.
Vortex light with orbital angular momentum (OAM) have successfully been
generated in many laboratories. So far, however, energies of the particles with
OAM, called twisted photons or electrons, remain below 0.1 keV. Here we report
on the first high energy vortex photon beam obtained via Compton scattering of
the topologically charged (OAM=2) 2.3eV laser photons on the PETRA 6 GeV
Recent years deorbiting by the laser ablation attracts increasing attentions as almost unique effective method to remediate cm-sized space debris. According to Ebisuzaki et al. 2014, the deorbiting operation is divided into three steps. First, a super-wide field telescope detects the reflection signal of the solar light by a space debris and roughly determine its position and moving direction....
Ecole Polytechnique and Thales are engaged into the development of a femtosecond laser system based on the coherent combination of laser beams produced through a network of 61 amplifying optical fibers [1] known as XCAN [2].
Designing, integrating and operating efficiently a laser system based on such an innovative architecture is clearly a challenge. But major key issues have already been...
Mini-Euso is a small telescope to be installed inside the ISS in 2017. It is a small pathfinder of the main Jem-Euso mission in which a large UV telescope is to be set outside the ISS to capture the most energetic cosmic rays by detecting the [300-400 nm] fluorescence light from nitrogen struck by the shower charged particles.. Mini-Euso looks at earth through a UV window on the Russian...
Direct production of electron-positron pairs in photon collisions is one of the basic processes in the Universe. The linear Breit-Wheeler (BW) pair creation process (γ+γ to $e^+$+$e^-$), is the lowest threshold process in photon-photon interaction, controlling the energy release in Gamma Ray Bursts and Active Galactic Nuclei [1]. It is also responsible for the TeV cutoff in the photon energy...
Direct production of electron-position pairs in photon collisions is one of the basic processes in the Universe. The electron-positron production $\gamma+\gamma$ to $e^+$ +$ e^-$ (linear Breit-Wheeler process) is the lowest threshold process in photon-photon interaction, controlling the energy release in Gamma Ray Bursts, Active Galactic Nuclei, black holes and other explosive phenomena [1]....
Nambu and Goldstone have predicted emergence of massless boson (NGB) as a result of spontaneous symmetry breaking of a global symmetry. Originally the lightness of the pion mass was explained because pion is NGB as a result of chiral symmetry breaking. This guiding principle can be applied to any kinds of global symmetries. There are theoretically predicted NGBs which can be dark components in...
The energy of petawatt optical laser pulses of pico- and femto-second duration and relativistic intensities exceeding 1021 W/cm2 is efficiently converted to X-ray radiation, which is emitted by hot electron component in collision-less processes and heats the solid density plasma periphery. In turn, the intense X-ray radiation effectively ionizes the matter inside out, providing a large...
High peak power lasers for Ultra High Intensity (UHI) physics have been developed for almost two decades. The first generation of such lasers has been essentially built with Nd:Glass Chirped Pulse Amplifiers (CPA) operating at very low repetition rates (few shots per day).
The last decade has seen the tremendous development of CPA based on Titanium Sapphire crystals pumped by the second...