Recent years deorbiting by the laser ablation attracts increasing attentions as almost unique effective method to remediate cm-sized space debris. According to Ebisuzaki et al. 2014, the deorbiting operation is divided into three steps. First, a super-wide field telescope detects the reflection signal of the solar light by a space debris and roughly determine its position and moving direction....
Ecole Polytechnique and Thales are engaged into the development of a femtosecond laser system based on the coherent combination of laser beams produced through a network of 61 amplifying optical fibers [1] known as XCAN [2].
Designing, integrating and operating efficiently a laser system based on such an innovative architecture is clearly a challenge. But major key issues have already been...
Mini-Euso is a small telescope to be installed inside the ISS in 2017. It is a small pathfinder of the main Jem-Euso mission in which a large UV telescope is to be set outside the ISS to capture the most energetic cosmic rays by detecting the [300-400 nm] fluorescence light from nitrogen struck by the shower charged particles.. Mini-Euso looks at earth through a UV window on the Russian...