27 January 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone


This Gender in Physics Day (GiPD) is co-organised by CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, ESO, the European Southern Observatory, and NordForsk, an organisation under the Nordic Council of Ministers that provides funding for and facilitates Nordic cooperation on research and research infrastructure.

CERN and ESO, and the other European International Research Organisations present at the GiPD will bring to the GENERA project an insight into the challenges faced by international research infrastructures in the recruitment, retention and career development of female professionals in the field of science, engineering and technology (SET).

This GiPD will be an opportunity to discuss with academic partners within GENERA, the issue of a sustainable scientific or engineering career after Master, PhD or Post-Doc. International Research Organisations will present their gender disaggregated data, as well as various measures implemented at their infrastructure with a critical view on their effectiveness.

NordForsk has been funding efforts on the issue of gender balance for years and the focus on the field of physics could serve as a case study for other fields. NordForsk will bring an insight into the situation of Nordic countries: what is the gender (im)balance in physics and what hinders women to enter the field? 

It will also be an opportunity for NordForsk to study and present how Nordic countries collaborate with the large infrastructures in Europe: what is the Nordic gendered representation and do national gender balance issues influence the participation? What are the Nordic research funding organisations and the Nordic research collaborations doing to enhance the Nordic participation and the gender balance at international large  research infrastructures. What could be done differently or better?

This GiPD will also be an opportunity to reflect on how gender equality, and more generally diversity, can be embedded in international collaborations or consortia; to look at the situation of women in physics in developing countries, and listen to the expectations of the younger generation. 

The event will alternate panel discussions, talks, interactive sessions and workshops.

For more information on GENERA, please consult the project webpage: http://genera-project.com

On Thursday, 26 January 2017, the Geneva Gender in Physics Day will take place at the Musée d'Ethnographie de Genève. It is organised by the University of Geneva and will cover the analysis of the existing actions towards Gender Equity Practices in Physics and Astronomy Research and High Level Education Institutes involving Research Performing Organizations (RPO) and Research Funding Organizations (RFO), Cantonal and Federal Institutes in Switzerland.  For more information, please check the Geneva GiPD Indico page