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2–4 Nov 2016
US/Pacific timezone

Berkeley Lab Site Access, Lodging, Restaurants


The Berkely Lab page for visitors with the links to maps, site access, parking, shuttle, etc. can be found here:


Transportation and Site Access

All registered attendees will be provided with site access authorizations.  Due to construction and other issues, parking is extremely limited at LBNL. We encourage carpooling, using a taxi or taking the LBNL Shuttle.

Note that in order to board the LBNL shuttle at off-site locations, a printed pass is required. These will be made available to registered participants prior to the meeting. There are several shuttle stops around Berkeley, including one next to downtown Berkeley BART, with service every 10­-15 minutes. Details of the shuttle service and routes are available from the link below.

All guests staying onsite at the Berkeley Lab Guest House (BLGH) will be provided parking in Lot Z located across the street from the BLGH.

For special site access needs, please contact Korie Levitan at 510-486-6019 or

Shuttle Route

Driving to LBL From SFO

Driving to LBL From OAK



Berkeley Lab Guest House
Phone: 510-495-8000
Rate: $140
Code: US LUA
Room Block for 25 rooms

Downtown Berkeley Inn
Phone: 510-843-4043
Rate: 99foronebed,109 for two beds
Code: Lawrence Berkeley LHC Meeting
Room block for 25 rooms until Sept. 30, 2016

Other lodging vendors with special Berkeley Lab Rate can be found here. Please be sure to mention that you are with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to get the rate, if available and not sold out. Note: The rates might vary by a few dollars from those indicated on the web page due to variations from year to year.

There will be no room blocks with the other facilities, other than the two above.


Some restaurant suggestions for dinner

Great China
Downtown Berkeley
2190 Bancroft Way
Berkeley, CA 94704
Phone number(510) 843-7996

PF Changs
5633 Bay St
Emeryville, CA 94608
Phone number(510) 879-0990

Trader Vics
9 Anchor Dr
Emeryville, CA 94608
Phone number(510) 653-3400

Skates on the Bay
100 Seawall Dr
Berkeley, CA 94710
Phone number(510) 549-1900

Townhouse Bar & Grill
5862 Doyle St
Emeryville, CA 94608
b/t Loop 22 & 59th St
Phone number(510) 652-6151


Other local restaurants in Berkeley near the LBL shuttle


Lodging suggestions in and around Berkeley

Hotel Shattuck (Downtown Berkeley, walking distance to Lab shuttle stop)

Hotel Durant (Downtown Berkeley, walking distance to Lab shuttle stop):

Berkeley City Club (Downtown Berkeley, walking distance to Lab shuttle stop)

Doubletree Hotel, Berkeley Marina (This hotel is located on the Berkeley waterfront, and it
requires taxi to get to Lab shuttle or to the lab gate itself):

Downtown Berkeley Inn (Downtown Berkeley, walking distance to Lab shuttle stop)

Bancroft Hotel (Next to UCB campus, one mile from Downtown Berkeley Lab pickup)

Claremont Resort and Spa

SenS Hotel & Bistro Berkeley (formerly The French Hotel):

Quality Inn University