23 January 2017 to 3 February 2017
Campus of USP in Sao Paulo
Brazil/East timezone

The Giant Telescopes for the Next Decade

24 Jan 2017, 08:45
1h 15m
Abraão de Moraes Auditorium (IF) (Campus of USP in Sao Paulo)

Abraão de Moraes Auditorium (IF)

Campus of USP in Sao Paulo


Dr Jean Gabriel Cuby (Director of LAM-CNRS Laboratory, FR)


The introductory Lecture on AstroPhysics will focus on the new Giant Telescopes that are being built for the Next Decade. The lecturer is Head of the LAM-CNRS Laboratory in France.
Presentation of Dr. Jean Gabriel Cuby by Prof. Beatriz Barbuy (IAG-USP)

Presentation materials