May 12 – 26, 2019
Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, China
Asia/Shanghai timezone

The focus of the school is on the most advanced technologies in the fields of semiconductors, very deep submicron and 3D technologies, nanotechnology, advanced packaging and interconnects, telecommunications, real-time signal processing, filtering and massively parallel computing and on the physics motivations that require confronting these technogical challenges for building the needed new instruments

These physics motivations are reviewed both in dedicated lectures as well as in all the more technology-based lectures.

The school provides lectures and lab work in a variety of cross-disciplinary example applications drawn from the exploration of distant universe, through medical imaging of the human body, to exploration of the elementary particle world. Lectures on technical developments and science overviews will be given by experts from academia and industry, alongside with hands-on lab sessions with demonstrators and subject specific master-classes on science & technology.

The school organization follows the academic and local life habits; the lecture,  the breaks as well as the lunch and dinner schedules follows those of the local student life. The plenary morning lectures are held in the Lecture Hall where all the lectures are held at HUST. The attendants thus experience the HUST student life by being merged in the same lecture hall than all the other HUST students. 

Apart from the first and last days of the school, the morning sessions from 8:00 am to 12:00 am are dedicated to the lectures held in general in the Lecture Hall. The afternoon sessions are devoted to the Lab sessions from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. After the dinner held from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm there is a science and/or technology overview keynote lecture from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. All the days (except Sunday, 19th May) follows this schedule (see timetable).

The school is held from Monday May 13 (morning) to Saturday May 25 (end of the afternoon), with a break on Sunday, May 19 with organized visits of the city of WUHAN.

The program of the Computing and Practical Labs are in a booklet format available on line for the attendants at the start of the school.

THE "LABs" are presented on MONDAY May 13 in a plenary afternoon session: see slides in the TIMETABLE PAGE. Students registered on the dedicated registration slot in the school website after these presentations.

As an example a Photo of a room where were held some of the Lab sessions computer-based, dedicated to advanced data processing (Deep Machine Learning, Parallel Computing and FPGA based Lab) is shown here below and also on the LABs INDICO Page

Students Posters Exhibition: The school attendants are expected to provide a poster. On May 25, the morning session is dedicated to the presentation of posters in an exhibition Hall in the main Building of the WLNO Laboratory. The posters and the photos of the presenters are included in the school website in the TIMETABLE PAGE.

The three best posters and the PHOTOS of the winners are included here below as well as in the POSTER INDICO page

All the lectures are posted in the school website.

The Proceedings of INFIERI 2019 are published in Journal of Instrumentation, JINST. This is the second time after the Proceedings of INFIERI 2014.

NOTE THAT for MOST of the LECTURES (even if not stressed in the Timetable) there were dedicated or related Lab session(s).

Added information here below:

  • Summary of Program of Lectures
  • Highlights about the HUST Campus
  • Table summary of the proposed Lab
  • The Photo of one of the Lab rooms dedicated to some of the computer based Labs on advanced processing
  • Two photos of the hand's on Lab at the Joinbon Company developing new digital SiPM's technology.
  • The photos of an important event during the school: the running race.
  • The photos of the winners of the 3 BEST POSTERS
Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, China

For industrial partners exhibition and sponsorship, a quotation for the participation to the events is available on demand. Please send your request to