23 January 2017 to 3 February 2017
Campus of USP in Sao Paulo
Brazil/East timezone


Presentation of the Laboratories

23 Jan 2017, 14:00
Abraão de Moraes Auditorium (IF) (Campus of USP in Sao Paulo)

Abraão de Moraes Auditorium (IF)

Campus of USP in Sao Paulo


Presentation of the Laboratories

  • Gustavo Rehder (Politechnic School, POLI-USP, Electrical Engineering Department)


In this session the Lab organizers will give a brief presentation of the Lab session they have set-up. The detailed schedule of this important session will be posted by January 22. The Labs are intrinsic and complementary training part to the Lectures given in this School. They can provide credits for the students.
The Table summary of all the Labs available at this School is accessible in the top part of the Timetable or in the "Labs" page of the School website.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Aurore Savoy Navarro (CNRS/IN2P3, FR and INFN-Pisa)
23/01/2017, 14:00
Junior Barrera (IME-USP/DCC)
23/01/2017, 14:10
Alfredo Goldman (IME-USP/DCC), Marco Dimas Gubitoso (IME/DCC-USP)
23/01/2017, 14:17
Marco Dimas Gubitoso (IME-USP/DCC)
23/01/2017, 14:24
Jacques Lepine (IAG-USP)
23/01/2017, 14:38
Stephen Eikenberry (Florida University, USA)
23/01/2017, 14:45
Giancarlo Sportelli (University of Pisa and INFN)
23/01/2017, 15:42
Guillermo Moroni (Universidad Nacional Del Sur (Ar) ), Miguel Sofo-Haro (Universidad de Cuyo, Ar)
23/01/2017, 15:49
Kazuyoshi Carvalho Akiba (Federal University of of Rio de Janeiro (BR))
23/01/2017, 15:56
Enrico Junior Schioppa (CERN, CH and NIKHEF, NL)
23/01/2017, 16:17
Giovanni Franchi (ACE Scientific SrL, It)
23/01/2017, 16:24
Lodovico Ratti (University of Pavia)
23/01/2017, 16:31
Rogerio Iope (NCC-UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista (BR)), Silvio Stanzani (NCC-UNESP)
23/01/2017, 16:45
Guilherme Lima (FNAL, USA), Victor Daniel Elvira (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
23/01/2017, 16:52
Building timetable...