Following the experience of the 2016 LHC operation, this review aims to discuss the need and potential benefits of an active halo depletion system for the HL-LHC and give a recommendation for adopting it into the HL-LHC baseline.
The scope of this review is to examine the two initial motivations (loss spikes during operation and machine protection aspects for operation with Crab Cavities), to evaluate the needs in view of the recent project re-scoping and to compare the projected needs with the operational experience from the LHC during Run I and Run II.
Following the close-out by the review chair, the committee is required to compile a short report with findings, comments and recommendations within one month. The report will be delivered to Lucio Rossi, HL-LHC Project leader.
Review panel: Rudiger Schmidt (CERN, Chair), Rob Appleby (UNIMAN), Wolfram Fischer (BNL), Mike Lamont (CERN), Katsunobu Oide (CERN), Mike Seidel (PSI)
Oliver Bruning (CERN) is the link person.
The review is scheduled on 6th and 7th October 2016, at CERN.