Samadrita Roychowdhury
(Duke University)
We propose the scheme of a polarized positron source for the International Linear
Collider (ILC). The process is based on a well-known principle of electron-positron
pair creation from polarized gamma rays produced by Compton scattering of the
circularly polarized laser light off a high-energy electron beam (e-beam). Our
system employs multiple interactions of a 6GeV e-beam produced by a linac with CO2
laser beams circulating inside the cavity of a regenerative laser amplifier. Ten
laser/e-beam interaction points are sufficient to generate the required intensity
of the polarized positrons of the order of 1014/sec. Each component in the proposed
system relies on technologies that were demonstrated previously. The presentation
will cover proposed laser system as well as electron beam accelerator.
Vitaly yakimenko