Yoshiaki Yasui
(Tokyo Management College)
11/03/2006, 09:00
SUSY Particles
We report the resent development on the GRACE/SUSY system. GRACE/SUSY is the computer
code which can generate Feynman diagrams in the MSSM automatically and compute 1-loop
Feynman amplitudes in the numerical way. We present a short review of the GRACE/SUSY
system. We also show new results of various 2-body decay widths and Chargino pair
production at ILC in the 1-loop level.
Sven Heinemeyer
(University of Zaragoza)
11/03/2006, 09:20
SUSY Particles
Electroweak precision measurements can provide indirect information about the
possible scale of supersymmetry already at the present level of accuracy. We perform
a chi^2 fit in various SUSY scenarios including the W boson mass, the effective
leptonic weak mixing angle, the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, the decay b ->
s gamma and the lightes MSSM Higgs boson mass, taking also into...
Use of tau polarization to discriminate between SUSY models and Determine SUSY parametere at ILC
Monoranjan Guchait
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR))
11/03/2006, 09:40
SUSY Particles
In many SUSY models the first SUSY signal in the proposed International Linear
Collider is expected to come from the pair production of stau particles,
followed by its decay into tau lepton plus lightest neutralino assumed to be
the lightest supersymmetric particle. In our study a simple and robust method
of measuring the polarization of this tau in its 1-prong hadronic decay...
Ayres Freitas
(University of Zurich)
11/03/2006, 10:00
SUSY Particles
In order to establish supersymmetry at future colliders, it is not sufficient to
discover new particles, but the identity of gauge couplings and the corresponding
Yukawa couplings between gauginos, sfermions and fermions needs to be verified. In
detailed studies it was found that the SUSY-Yukawa couplings of the electroweak
sector can be studied with great precision at the ILC, but a...