I will briefly introduce myself and talk about my studentship project.
A short overview of the Contur method, constraining new physics with standard model signatures.
Photon-photon interactions arising from the photons emitted by high-energy leptons will generate inevitable background processes for future electron-positron colliders. Therefore means to accurately simulate these interactions are required in order to study the realistic physics potential of these future experiments. We have been working on an implementation of these interactions into Pythia 8...
We study a few possible modifications to the Pythia string fragmentation: a new model for generating the transverse momentum of hadrons, inspired by thermodynamics, the effect of close-packing of strings, and a simple model for hadron rescattering. We present the modified predictions and compare to data as well as to default Pythia.
The identification of so-called 'boosted' objects; heavy particles whose decay products are highly collimated in the detector, is now a standard part of the event reconstruction toolbox at the LHC. Several QCD-inspired methods that exploit the different signatures between heavy particle decays and soft QCD backgrounds are now well-established. An intriguing new paradigm; 'Jet Images', has...
Precision in Monte Carlo predictions is becoming increasingly important as experiments continually improve. One key way this is achieved in Monte Carlo event simulations is to include the higher-order effects from perturbation theory in the matrix element calculation. This has been completed at NLO QCD, and progress is already being made into NNLO QCD automation. At this level of precision,...