Final system test results of the DEPFET based Belle II pixel detector PXD

10 Dec 2017, 20:47
Conference Center (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST))

Conference Center

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST)

OIST, Onna, Okinawa 904-0495, Japan
POSTER Large scale applications POSTER


Ladislav Andricek (MPG Semiconductor Lab)


The DEPFET PXD Collaboration is building a highly
granular, ultra-transparent active pixel detector for high performance
vertex reconstruction at the Belle II experiment,
KEK, Japan. A complete detector system is being developed,
including solutions for ultra-thin sensors and their mechanical
support, r/o ASICs, cooling, services, and a DAQ system capable
of handling the huge amount of data coming from the pixel
The sensor production as well as the final ASIC production is
finished and the module series production is in full swing. Final
system tests as well as detailed characterization of the modules
have been done. Recent milestone achievements are a full system
test of PXD and SVD in the test beam and the commissioning of
the pre-experiment “BEAST 2” which is about to start early 2018.
This paper will focus on the achievements during the full
system test at DESY early 2017 and present a detailed discussion
of one of the last open questions for the operation of the DEPFET
PXD system at the SuperKEKB collider – the so-called gated mode
of the DEPFET system.


Ladislav Andricek (MPG Semiconductor Lab)

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