- Xinchou Lou (University of Texas at Dallas (US))
Monolithic pixel detectors integrating sensor matrix and readout in one silicon die are making their way into high energy physics as they potentially offer lower material budget and cost, and better performance. For the most extreme radiation levels, signal charge has to be collected by drift from a depletion layer onto a designated collection electrode without losing the signal charge...
Last decade has seen tremendous advancements in the development of x-ray detectors for photon science. Driven by the construction of new and upgrades of existing light sources and building on the experience of related instrumentation fields, detector for photon science have reached level of complexity and performance unimaginable a few years ago. This talk will provide an overview of current...
An astronomical X-ray imaging system combining an X-ray mirror and an X-ray imager began with the Einstein observatory launched in 1978. In this satellite, an imaging proportional counter was used as the focal plane detector of the Wolter type I X-ray focusing mirror. Following the Einstein observatory, ROSAT, ASCA and BeppoSAX were equipped with imaging gas counters.
In order to improve the ...