Jul 9 – 13, 2017
Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center
US/Central timezone

The Technical Program can be accessed via the Timetable Views on the left.

Any individual presenting at and/or attending the Conference must be a registered participant. Click here for registration information.

The first character of the program number, C or M, represents the Conference designation, C for the CRYOGENIC Engineering Conference (CEC), M for the International Cryogenic MATERIALS Conference (ICMC). The second character, 1, 2, 3 or 4, denotes the day of the Conference: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. The third and forth characters (Or or Po) indicate whether the presentation is in an oral or poster session. The last character, A-M, differentiates the sessions on a given day.

ALL AUTHORS are requested to electronically publish their Poster and Oral Presentations prior to or during the Conference.  Presenters of oral talks must also submit their presentation file to the Speaker Ready Room one (1) day prior to their scheduled presentation.

The Conference Program Book is now available, see left side navigation. The Technical Program detail is current as of June 13. Any changes as of June 13 will be added to an Update Sheet and handed out to Conference Participants at registration check-in.

All other conference information can be found at http://www.cec-icmc.org.

Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center
Madison, Wisconsin USA