16–21 Jul 2017
Embassy Suites Buffalo
US/Eastern timezone

Small R jet reconstruction and calibration algorithms (ATLAS)

19 Jul 2017, 09:00
Embassy Suites Buffalo

Embassy Suites Buffalo

200 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, NY 14202


Peter Loch (University of Arizona (US))


Small radius jets with R = 0.4 are standard tools in ATLAS for physics analysis. They are calibrated using a sequence of Monte Carlo simulation-derived calibrations and corrections followed by in-situ calibrations based on the transverse momentum balance between the probed jets and well-measured reference signals. In this talk the inputs to jet reconstruction in LHC Run 2 comprising calorimeter cell clusters, reconstructed charge particle tracks, and particle flow objects, are discussed together with the jet energy calibration scheme. Selected results from the performance of the procedure and the associated systematic uncertainties are presented.

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