16–21 Jul 2017
Embassy Suites Buffalo
US/Eastern timezone

Jet reconstruction and boosted object tagging at the Compact Linear Collider

20 Jul 2017, 12:00
Embassy Suites Buffalo

Embassy Suites Buffalo

200 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, NY 14202


Lars Rickard Strom (CERN)


The Compact Linear Collider project envisages an electron-positron collider
with a low-energy stage at sqrt(s) = 380 GeV and an ultimate center-of-mass
reach up to 3 TeV. Detailed Monte Carlo simulation studies of the detector
are performed to optimize the design of the experiment and to understand
the physics potential. CLIC aims to meet the challenging requirements on
jet reconstruction performance with a highly granular calorimeter and
particle-flow reconstruction. In this contribution we present studies of the
jet reconstruction performance and new results on the capability of the
experiment to identify highly boosted objects.


Presentation materials