Presentation materials
In this talk, I present the first analysis of the substructure of jets using the 2010 CMS Open Data. Our analysis is based on 36/pb of 7 TeV proton-proton collisions, where in each event the leading jet has a transverse momentum larger than 150 GeV. We measure classic jet substructure observables like jet mass and multiplicity and compare the results to parton shower generators. We find...
We present the first calculations of the momentum sharing and angular separation distributions between the leading subjets inside a reconstructed jet, as well as the jet mass distribution modification in heavy ion collisions. These observables are sensitive to the early and late stages of the in-medium parton shower evolution and allow us to probe the quark-gluon plasma across a wide range of...
We derive the electroweak (EW) collinear splitting functions up to single logs. Especially we systematically incorporate EW symmetry breaking (EWSB), by imposing a particularly convenient gauge choice (dubbed “Goldstone Equivalence Gauge”) that disentangles the effects of Goldstone bosons and gauge fields in the presence of EWSB. As a result, we are able to derive splitting functions up to...
We show how the top mass can be extracted kinematically using cross sections for event shapes observables calculated using effective field theory methods. With the help of Soft Drop grooming done at a level that does not disturb the radiation that can modify the top mass definition, while still isolating the top jet, we obtain a distribution that is only mildly sensitive to the underlying...
We introduce the first use of deep neural network-based generative modeling for high energy physics (HEP). Our novel Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) architecture is able cope with the key challenges in HEP images, including sparsity and a large dynamic range. For example, our Location-Aware Generative Adversarial Network learns to produce realistic radiation patterns inside high energy...
We perform a phenomenological study of the invariant mass distribution of hadronic jets produced in pp collisions, in conjunction with a groomer, in particular the modified MassDrop Tagger (equivalent to Soft Drop with angular exponent
Boosted topologies allow to explore Standard Model processes in kinematical regimes never tested before. In such LHC challenging environments, standard reconstruction techniques quickly hit the wall. Targeting hadronic final states means to properly reconstruct energy and multiplicity of the jets in the event. In order to be able to identify the decay product of boosted objects, i.e. W bosons,...
A number of measurements are presented that utilize and/or investigate jet substructure.
The measurement of top production and the investigation of its properties in the boosted regime is gaining increasing attention with the rapid increase of the production cross sections at 13 TeV. The CMS experiment has measured the production cross section as function of the transverse momentum and...